Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Video Continued

Today in class we watched more of the video. In the video Tiberus went and fought in Spain to sieze control. The Rome legion was surrounded and had to surrender or else they would be killed. The Barbarians wanted to talk to Tiberus about a peace treaty and would not talk to anyone else. They agreed to let the men go and the Barbarians will have have equality with Rome and everlasting peace. The Roman senate was mad about the treaty. The General was killed for this treaty. Tiberus runs for tribune becuase he does not think the senate treats the people right. Tiberus marries Claudia to form a political alliance. Claudia was the daughter of a senator who was an Allie to Tiberus. When Tiberus gets ellected to Tribune he proposed that the common people can vote. He also veto's to shut down the banks and put the government at a stand still. Tiberus got the land petition passed after alot of work. The Senate tells everyone that Tiberus wants to be King of Rome. The common people did not take this news well.

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