Monday, May 13, 2013

Review for Test on Wednesday

Test Review:
  • How much bigger was Diocletian army then Augustus
  • How many people in the army are under Constantine
  •  Why did Jesus mostly minister to poor people? What were the effects?
    • more poor people then rich,
  • What does gospel mean?= Good news
  • Constantine visiom
    • say a sign vision or dream that there was a crossing the sun and it said conquer by this
    • the battle he fought right after this vision was called the battle of the Milvan Bridge
  • Constantine ends the persecution of the Christians
  • Know what the edicts did
    • destroy the churches and burn the scriptures, destroy careers, take out the heirachy in the church
  • Built a new capital called Constantinople that was originally called Byzantium
  • Edict of milan said you cant persecute anyone for their religous beliefs anymore
  • 300 AD how many people where in the ROman empire?= 60 million
  • Predestination= the word that meant that God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damed
  • edict is an official proclemation
  • 27 BC - 180 AD - the Roman Peace (Pax Romana)

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