Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rome Fades Away/ End of an Era

Rome Fades Away
  • Two emperors
    • Diocletian
      • he rules from 284-303
      • its cool to persecute Christians
      • Rome needs a big army(400,00 strong)
      • Rome needs a big government(20,000 officials)
    • Constantine
      • Rules from 306-337
      • its cool to be a christian
      • conversion to Christianity
      • via a cross in the sky(conquer by this)
      • 313- his Edict of Milan proclaims freedom of worship
      • built a new capital in the East
        • Byzantium, soon to be known as Constantinople
    • the struggle of the peasants
      • life in the fourth century
        • country dwellers are getting bankrupted by endless tax collection
        • new farming systems; peasants work for elite landlords on large farms
        • peasants can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords
        • paying off debts and being "allowed" to live on the land, in exchange for endless back breaking work( such a deal)
        • landowners hold local power as counts and bishops, wielding more real power than the faraway empire
        • fore shading feudalism= a system wear you have someone that controls a small area and you work like crazy for the lord of the manor
    • The western Empire crumbles
      • Rome's power is decreasing, while nomadic barbarians gain power
      • western Empire is too poor, begins to be neglected
      • Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe
      • Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410
      • Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean
      • Other barbarian tribes
        • Ostrogoth in Italy
        • Franks in Gaul
        • Angles and Saxons in Britain
    • end of an era
      • from the beginnings...
        • 500 BC- the monarchy is abolished
        • 450 BC- the Twelve tables are established
      • ...Through the glory days...
        • 44 BC- end of the line for Julius Caesar
        • 27 BC- 180 BC- the Roman Peace( Pax Romana)
      • To the bitter end... 
        • constant fifth century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western Roman empire shattered and crumbling
        • the last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his father
        • barbarians deposed Romulus Augustus without bothering to kill him
        • 476 was the last empire for the western Roman empire
      • There is still an eastern Roman empire but Rome and the western part is done
  • Barbarians conquer
    • Angels= England
    • Saxons= conquered Germany
    • Ostrogoth= Italy
    • Huns= Came from China and they conquered Hungary
    • Vandals=  North Africa/Carthage and went and conquered Rome
    • Visigoths= Spain and Portugal 
    • franks=
      • -Germanic Tribe that became the French
      • -They conquered Gaul-Gaul is now present day France, Luxembourg and Belgium - Mostly Switzerland, Northern Italy and parts of the Netherlands and Germany-They were the most powerful of the Germanic Tribes-They created a strong barbarian kingdom after the end of the Western Roman Empire

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