Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christianity in the Pax Romana

Today in class we first went over out test. I got a 90 on the test becuase I got two questions wrong. The first question I got  wrong was Tiberus Gracchus' first military accomplishment came during the invasion of what city. The correct answer was Carthage. The second question I got wrong was which of these modern dat countries was NOT part of ancient Gaul? The correct answer was Iran. Then we took notes on Jesus and Christianity.After our notes we took a five question pop quiz.
Notes on Christianty:
  • Roots of Christianity
    • It all begins with Jesus
    • most of what we know of Jesus comes from the "Gospels" of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
    • "Gospel" means "good news"
    • Jesus was a Jewish itinerant preacher in Judea who set himself apart from other "Messiahs"
    • Jesus taught that one must strive for perfection since God was perfect, and Jesus sought out the imperfect society
    • Jesus hung out with tax collectors and prostitutes
    • Jesus' followers believed he was the "Messiah" who had come to end the world and bring the truly faithful into the kingdom of God
    • Jesus was believed to be both man and the son of God;both human and divine
    • Jesus was deemed a threat to Roman rule and was crucified, though his followers believed he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven
    • The followers of Jesus who attempted to spread the word of his teachings were known as apostles
  • Start spreading the news
    • Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became a follower of Jesus after a miraculous vision on the road to Damascus
      • Paul started spreading the word but he never meet him or laid eyes on him
    • Paul talked of "predestination" which meant that God chose who was to be saved and who was to be damned
    • Paul was well-traveled, he helped found churches in many places, and he kept in touch with these new Christians by letters(Corinth, Thessalonian, Rome, Ephesus)
      • he traveled all over the mediteranean and even in Rome 

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