Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exam review

15 Questions on Geographical Luck
  • Jared Diamond
  • Papa NeGueana
  • He went there becuase he was a Bird watcher
  • He found that there were people there still living th ehunter and gather life
  • The people in Papa NeGuena ate sago/ it did t have protien and vitimines and nutrients/ took so much work to get but you could not store it
  • Geographical Luck
  • if you dont have to use all your time looing and making food then you would have time to specialize in other activitie

  • Mesopotamia was the first civilization/ It is now the middle eas
    • they had good crops/ they good grow wheat
  • Sumarians were the first people in Mesopotamia 
    • Cunieforn was there way of writing
  • Egyptians wrote in heiroglypohs 
  • Back then people tended to stay on the same latitude so the same animals and crops could grow
  • Places on the same latitude will have the same conditions and times of day
  • 14  DOmesticated Animal\
  • Zebra is a bad DOMESTICATED ANIMAL
  • A GOOD one is the HORSE
  • irrigation is when you move water in order to grow crops
  • The code of  Hammurabi  were  the first laws

  • Pre history is the time when things were not written down
  • History started when people started keeping track of things by writting things down
Egypt 10 questions
  • life centered around the Nile river
  • so much of it is a desert
  • the river flows south to north
  • it flows this way because there is higher elevation in the south
  • the area where it hits the mediteranean sea is called the delta
  • the delta water has silt which is great fertile soil
  • the kings of Eygpt were know as Pharaohs
  • they built pyramids
  • pyramids were used as tombs
  • The Great pyramid of Guiza and the Spinx were built  2500 BC
  • slaves helped with the household duties and helped the white kilt class
  • social classe:
    • slaves and servants
    • farmers
    • artisans and merchants
    • soldiers
    • high priests/ nobility
    • Pharaoh 
    • before they had a democracy they had a monarchy
    • Descrube the difference between Spartans and the Athenians******* ESSAY QUESTION
      • Sparta when you were a boy when you were 7 you had to go to a camp and be trained
      • In athens you did not get taken from your home to fight so young/ you didnt get started till you were 14
      • Spartans had a land based army and the Athenians had a really hard navy/built ships called tririmes
      • Spartian woman had high status becuase the men were always gone and the Athenian woman could not vote and do naything that the men could
      • Spattains thought as a group and Athenians thought as individuals
      • The patron saint of Athens is athena / you would find a big statue sof athena i nthe parthonon/ the leader of building this is Pericles
      • During the age of Pericles this is when Athens had its golden age
      • The delian league was a bunch of city states  ut with athens i charge
      • Pericles ruined it all ny fighting sparta in the Polypenesian war
        • Athens all went inside a wall 
      • Greeks inventited the Olympics in 776 BC
      • Athenians invented theaters and watched entertainment
      • Homerwrote the Illiat and the Odyssey/ Illiat was about the trojan war and the Odyssey is about a man named Oddisius who tries to return home to his wife and son after the trojan war
      • Arete is the term that in whatever you do you do it with excellence 
      • term were you are so proud of yourslef and you feel you can do no wrong is called hubris
      • What was the play were the man killed his father and slept ith his mother= Oedipus Rex
      • Oracles could apparentyl see the futute the oracle of delphie is the most famous
    • Themisticales wanted to spend money on building tririmes

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