Monday, May 6, 2013

Christianity in Rome

Today in class we turned in our papers and took our test. I think i did okay one the test. After the test we had to read a section of the text book. Here are the notes that I got from this reading.
  • Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace
    • Its was during the time period od jewish conflict and dispute leading up to the destruction of the Temple in A.D 70 that Jesus lived and taught
    • The authors of the Gospel felt no need to set down alll the details of Jesus's life but focused on his birth, the brief years when he was wondering preacher in Jeduea, and his death and aftermath
    • jesus is the messiah 
    • becuase he claimed he was the messiah the romans crucified him
    • apostles= Jesus's followers and messengers
    • Greek is the international langueage of the Jews
    • Paul was one of Jesus's apostles
      • from a city in Antatolia
      • his letters are the earliest surviving documents of the belief
      • predestination= the doctrine that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be damned
    • within the earliest churches there was no formal structure of authority or power
    • the believers in Jesus also belonged not only to the church  but also to other human groups, families, cities, the Roman Empire
    • Paul died in A.D 60 and was probally beheaded in Rome as a Jewish troublemaker

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