Monday, March 4, 2013

Video Continued

Today we continued watching the movie. The video talked about how Athens produced the best olives. The eastern Mediterranean  was the greatest market place of the ancient world. The potters in Athens had no respect and lived in the red light district. The vases that they made are now worth alot of money. In 527BC Pisistratus died and his son, Hipeas took over.At first his son ruled just like his father but then he started to rule more like a tryanny again. In 540 BC his brother was killed and he started  to act like a mean tyrant. He had many people killed. Cleisthenes tried to fight and over through Hipeas. Hipeas was captured and ostracized from Athens. Being ostracized means  to be banished from your home forever. In this time it was worse then being killed. The Olympic Games started in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. Every four years they would compete to be the best in Athletics. The competed in  running, wrestling, and chariot racing. They got no price just fame. 40,000 Greeks would gather for the Olympic games. If there was a war going on the wars would stop during the Olympics then start again after them. When Cleithenes got power he realized people were against him. Isagoris was one of the main people against him and he turned outside Athens for help from Sparta. He was going to turn athens into Sparta's control. Athens was going to loose its freedom. Sparta won Athens and Cleithenes and the aristocrats were banished from Athens.

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