Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Projects and Movie

Today in class we started off by presenting our projects. The group on conquering India went first. In the Battle of Asposioi he was wounded in the shoulder by a dart. Asposioi lost the fight. The Battle with Assakenoi Alex was severly wounded in the ankle. He left the buildings in rubble . Their army was huge and Alex was almost deafeted. Alex won an epic battle against Porus and Alex made an alliance with him. The Ganges River is where Alexander's men turned back and refused to continue. There are a few theories to how Alexander died. He could of died by fever, drinking and heavy wounds, drank water that had a disease, or he was poisioned. for his Burial he was laid in a gold anthropiod that was filled with honey. Pompey, Julius Ceasar, and Augustus all visited his tomb. Alexander left no succesors on his death bed he said " to the strongest". Then we watched a movie.

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