Saturday, March 23, 2013

Presentations of Projects

 Today in class we presented our powerpoints. The first group to go talked about King Philip the Second. He was the King of Macedon from 359 BC until he was assassinated in 336 BC. he was father of Alexander the Great. He conquered a large part of upper Greece. Also in one of his battles he lost his right eye. He had many wives and did not get along with Alexander. Olympia was the mother of Alexander the Great. She had a better relationship with Alexander then Philip did. Zeus was a highly regarded Greek god. He was the god of thunder and lightning and is named the Father of gods and men besides Poseidon and Hades. Alexander the Great was told he was the son of Zeus by the ancient oracle of Ammon at Siwa. Alexander convinced people he had divinity. The next presentation talked about King Philips Death. He was assassinated in the spring of 336 BC. There are a couple theories to how he was killed. One is that  he was killed by a young Macedonian noblbe who was King Philips body guard during a wedding at Aega. They think the guard and King Philip were lovers so the guard got jealous and killed him. Another theory is that the Persians paid someone to kill him, In 334 BC Alexander acceded his father. the first thing he did was execute all threats to his throne. alexander had the Balkan campaign. Another theory to King Philips death is that Olymias killed him. Alexander became King at age 20. he conquered the Persian Empire by the time he was 26. Alexander was tutured by many different people when he was young. His first tutor was Leonidas and he tuaght Alexander skills that would help him in battle. Then Aristotle tuaght him and he taught Alexander politics, drama, poetry, science, and philosophy. Alexander's favorite book was the Iliad and he carried a copy of this book everywhere. Alex had a horse named Bucephalid9 means oxhead) and he was a black stalin horse. The horse died at age 30.

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