Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched more of the movie. The movie is too long to watch the whole thing so we skipped about 40 minutes of it. We only need to know a few pieces of information about the part that we skipped. We need to know the Spartans won the Polyponesian War. They lost it because of Pericles plan and how he was very hubris. Hubris means arrogant or full of themselves. The plague killed about 1/3 of the population of Athens. It came over from the ships that Athens was using to bring supplies to the walled Athens. Then we learned about Socrates from the video. Socrates had gathered a group of small followers. He got the people to think for themselves. He made people rethink the idea of beauty. He was pretty much the founder of philospophe. He was charged with two crimes.The first was undermining the state religion and the second was corruption of the youth. The Athenians blamed Socrates for them losing the Poloponesian war. His trail was held at the Athens market place. His jury was a handful of Athenian citizens. Socrates said The unexamined life is not worth living. The court found Socrates guilty and put him to death. There was about a thirty vote difference between finding him guilty and not guilty. He saw Athens as a lazy horse and saw himself as a fly that could get the horse to move. Socrates could have escaped prison and his death but he choose not too. He was executed by drinking  hemlock and is very painful. It causes gradual paralysis. he was very calm about his death

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