Monday, March 11, 2013

Got Back The Test, Greece(The Early Years)

Today in class we got back our tests on Greece( The Early Years). I got an 82 on the test. I got three questions wrong on the multiple choice part. The first multiple choice question I got wrong was number three. The question was define the term barbarian as it was originally used in the ancient world. The answer was the word came from the Greek "barbaros" which orginally meant " Non-Greek".The next question I got wrong was number 8. The question was which of the following modern- day countries would NOT be considered a member of "Western civilization". The correct answer was China. The final question on the multiple choice that I got wrong was number 11. The question was what were the major crops the Aegean people lived on? The correct answer was Grain,vines, and olives. Then I got two of the short answers wrong. The first one I got wrong was during the time period when writing fell out of use, the poet Homer is said to have told stories of the Trojan War, and of a war hero attempting to return to his home. What are the titles of these stories? The correct answer was  the Iliad  and Odyssey. The last short answer I got wrong was the word "Mediterranean" originally meant middle of the world. Then i got some points off my essay.

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