Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Projects and Movie

Today in class we started off by presenting our projects. The group on conquering India went first. In the Battle of Asposioi he was wounded in the shoulder by a dart. Asposioi lost the fight. The Battle with Assakenoi Alex was severly wounded in the ankle. He left the buildings in rubble . Their army was huge and Alex was almost deafeted. Alex won an epic battle against Porus and Alex made an alliance with him. The Ganges River is where Alexander's men turned back and refused to continue. There are a few theories to how Alexander died. He could of died by fever, drinking and heavy wounds, drank water that had a disease, or he was poisioned. for his Burial he was laid in a gold anthropiod that was filled with honey. Pompey, Julius Ceasar, and Augustus all visited his tomb. Alexander left no succesors on his death bed he said " to the strongest". Then we watched a movie.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Presentations of Projects

 Today in class we presented our powerpoints. The first group to go talked about King Philip the Second. He was the King of Macedon from 359 BC until he was assassinated in 336 BC. he was father of Alexander the Great. He conquered a large part of upper Greece. Also in one of his battles he lost his right eye. He had many wives and did not get along with Alexander. Olympia was the mother of Alexander the Great. She had a better relationship with Alexander then Philip did. Zeus was a highly regarded Greek god. He was the god of thunder and lightning and is named the Father of gods and men besides Poseidon and Hades. Alexander the Great was told he was the son of Zeus by the ancient oracle of Ammon at Siwa. Alexander convinced people he had divinity. The next presentation talked about King Philips Death. He was assassinated in the spring of 336 BC. There are a couple theories to how he was killed. One is that  he was killed by a young Macedonian noblbe who was King Philips body guard during a wedding at Aega. They think the guard and King Philip were lovers so the guard got jealous and killed him. Another theory is that the Persians paid someone to kill him, In 334 BC Alexander acceded his father. the first thing he did was execute all threats to his throne. alexander had the Balkan campaign. Another theory to King Philips death is that Olymias killed him. Alexander became King at age 20. he conquered the Persian Empire by the time he was 26. Alexander was tutured by many different people when he was young. His first tutor was Leonidas and he tuaght Alexander skills that would help him in battle. Then Aristotle tuaght him and he taught Alexander politics, drama, poetry, science, and philosophy. Alexander's favorite book was the Iliad and he carried a copy of this book everywhere. Alex had a horse named Bucephalid9 means oxhead) and he was a black stalin horse. The horse died at age 30.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Group Presentations and my Birthday!

Today was my birthday so I got to wear the sparkly hat. In the beginning everyone sang to me. I brought brownies for the class but there was not alot left becuase my advisory ate them all.Then we worked on our group projects that we started yesterday.  My group finished theirs. I think we did really well. We have alot of information and some pictures to make it interesting. Nick worked on Alexander fighting the Persians. I worked on significant battles.Mary worked on Alexander fighting Egypt.Then we got back our tests and went over them. I was very happy that I received a 100 percent on the test.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New Group Project

Today in class we started by going over the blog we had for homework last night. Then we got a group project. We did not get to pick our groups. Mr. Schick picked them by counting up the rows until seven then starting all over again until everyone had a number. I was a number 4. The other number fours in my group are Nick and Mary. The topic for our powerpoint is Alexander's military career. When we got into our group we divided the work. Nick is doing battling the Persians. Mary is doing conquering Egypt. I am doing significant battles. I hope we get a good grade on our powerpoint because its the last grade for quarter three.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why the Athenians lost to Sparta and what happened in 359 B.C.

Hellenistic= A phase during and after Alexander in the Greek civilization that happened by 300 B.C. when the Greek's culture was the main culture in the world  and had an impact on people that the Greeks had control over.

The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War becuase of many reasons. One of the main reasons was when Athens was fighting the Persians it asked for the other city states to give money, so Athens could build more tririmes and defend Greece. After the war was over and the Persians had lost Athens kept demanding money from the other city states. The other city states did not like how Athens was treating them like paying subjects, so they turned to Sparta. They wanted Sparta to put Athens back in its place. This was one of the reasons why the Peloponnesian War started. If it had never started Athens would not have lost its period of The Golden Ages. Another factor that made the Athenians lose was their leadership and planning. Pericles, the ruler at the time of the war, had a plan that he thought could not fail. His plan was to build a wall around Athens and keep everyone in. Athens would get food and the supplies it needed by the harbor, Piraeus. The Athenian tririmes would bring them supplies and also fight Sparta on the water. Pericles plan might have worked if a natural disaster did not occur. The natural disaster was a terrible plague that killed 1/3 of the population. The plague was accidently brought over by the ships that were carrying Athenian food and supplies. Another reason Athens lost was because of leadership. when the plague hit Pericles was killed and  the other politicians argued to take power. One of the biggest reasons why Athens lost the war was because its navy was weakened. In 413 BC Athens lost 2/3 of its fleet during a battle against Syracuse. The the Persians helped Sparta build a fleet to fight the Athens. With Sparta's new fleet  they beat the Athenians during the battle of Aegospotami. When Athens had barely any navy left they could not get food too Athens, so they had to surrender because of starvation. These were the reasons why  Athens lost to Sparta.

In 359 B.C. King Philip the second  became the King of Macedonia. He started to strengthen his army so he could take over Greece. He made very careful plans to take over Greece and even had agents  working inside of the Greek city states to make sure the city states didn't join forces against him.

Macedonia is to the East of Italy and to the North of Greece.

Study Guide

Worksheet / Study Guide for
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Want to do well on the next test?  Here’s where to start:  Know what’s on this sheet.  Post the answers on your blog.  Find the answers by checking your text, doing independent research, taking good notes while watching the video, or referring to the website that accompanies the video: .

IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1200 BC= The Mycenaean Civilization
1150 – 750 BC= The Dark Ages
776 BC= The Olympic Games were started
750 – 700 BC= Homer wrote the Iliad and The Odyssey
508 BC= Athens rebelled against their rulers and the aristocrats and Athens started their democracy. It was a new dawn form Athens they turned to Cleisthenes to run their democracy.
490 BC= Pheidippides runs from Athens to Sparta and the war of Marathon happens when the Persians( King Darius) try to take over Athens
480 BC= Themistocles built triremes. King Darius son tried to take over Athens again with a huge army. The people abandoned Athens and the woman  went to a city and the men fought on the triremes. They lured the Persians into the Strait of Salamis.
461 – 429 BC= Age of Pericles This is when he first took power and then the last date is when he died of the plague
447 – 438 BC= built the Parthenon
431 – 404 BC= Pericles took podium and wanted to go to war with Sparta because he thought they were a threat and they did. Its called the Peloponnesian war.  It ended the golden ages of Athens when they loose to Sparta. Athens lost about 1/3  or 2/3 of their population  during this war.
399 BC= Socrates dies of poison
336 BC= alexander the Great created his empire

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Homer= an early poet that preserved the traditional myths of the deities personalities and deeds in his writings. He wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Odysseus= Trojan War hero who spent ten years trying to get home to his wife.
Zeus= the ruler of the sky, presided over a divine family
-          Had many wives
-          God of sky and thunder
Athena= She was one of Zeus offspring/ she was an armed and warlike virgin
-          She was linked with skill and wisdom
-          Patron of Athens
-          Goddess of wisdom
 Not on the Test: Draco= formulate the Greek laws into one Greek written law
-          He was really strict
Pisistratus=came into Athens with the Goddess of Athens but she was really just another woman from another city. He became a tyrant of Athens and turned to the people for support. He was not a mean or harsh ruler he paved the way for democracy. He lent the common people money and reduced their taxes.
Cleisthenes= an aristocrat and was told since birth to be a leader of Athens. He was thrown out of power.
-          He saw that ordinary people should have freedom, so he sent the Greeks on the road to civilization
-          Born around 570 BC
Darius (the Great)= King of Persia during the battle of Marathon and he lost to Athens.
-Xerxes= Darius son and gained power as the new Persian empire.
Pheidippides= ran from Sparta to Athens to ask for help but was turned down. Ran 140 miles in just two days
Themistocles= built the triremes
            -fought in the marathon war
Pericles= leader of Athens  and started the Polyponnesian  war
Aristophanes= Pericles partner
Socrates= one of the most famous philosphers
Alexander the Great

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION:  Be able to locate the following on a map:
Athens                         Sparta                                      Peloponnesus                          Ionia
Ionian Sea                               Aegean Sea                             Persian Empire

GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:
Monarchy= a state in which supreme power is held by a single, usually hereditary ruler.              Democracy= In ancient Greece, a form of government in which all adult male citizens were entitled to take part in decision.
 Oligarchy= A state in which supreme power is held by a small group
 Aristocracy= is a form of government in which a few elite citizens rule called aristocrats

PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: Name ‘em; describe ‘em. 1 to strengthen Athenian democracy2 to hold and strengthen the empire
3to glorify Athens

GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:
Sculpture = the greeks passion for beauty and their interest in human forms are clearly reflected in their sculpture
-          Early greek statues like their buildings reveal an Egyptian influence
-          The nudity and the smiling faces represent the nakedness of greek athletes and expressing the joy of victory are greek innovations
-          -The statues carved during the fifth century bc were chiefly of gods and goddesses and they resembled mortals
-          Phidias was the most highly respected sculpter of Athens in the golden ages and was in charge of the Parthenon sculptures.
-          He carved the gigantic wood statue of Athena that was 35 feet tall that was placed in the main inner chamber rof the Parthenon
-          The discus Thrower was another famous sculpture done by Myron                   
Architecture= they built open marketplaces enclosed by covered colonnades( rows of collumns), outdoor amphitheaters for dramatic festivials, open air gymnasiums, race courses, and stadiums but their main one was the temple. 
-          Parthenon of Athens was their best temple
-          The Parthenon was designed about 450 BC by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates a spart of Pericles plan for rebuilding the Acropolis after the Persians had destroyed the earlier sacred structures there. It measures 100 by230 feet                         
Drama (tragedy and comedy)  =  
-tragedy began in the 6th century .
-The most successful writer of Greek comedy  was Aristophanes. He used his plays to make fun of local politicians, poets, and philosophers with whom he disagreed, as well as the politics and government of Athens democracy as in the Lysistrata and the assemblywoman.  
- Comedies and tragedies were presented during the festivial of Dionysus in open air amphitheaters
- the three biggest tragedy writers were Aeschuylus, Sophocles, and Euripides
-Aeschylus wrote the Orestes trilogy- Agamemnon, the libation bearers, and the Eumenides 
 - these stories are about the family crimes of the royal house of Atreus.       

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Review for Chapter 4 Test

Today in class we went over the study guide.We have our chapter 4 test on Monday and all the information we need for it is on the study guide. We went over the answers to the packet so everyone has the answers for the test. Mr. Schick had mini muffins that he got from the junior ring breakfast, so when we got answer right we got a muffin. To do well on the test we can use our blogs and post the study guide we filled out to our blog.I hope I can do well on the test with my study guide.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Today in class we started off by talking about  a picture. The picture was painted of Socrates in is cell when he was about to die from poison. We talked about the different features of the painting and what they meant. we also talked about why the author painted some of the things he did. after that we had a discussion like Socrates would have had in the agora. We discussed legalizing marijuana. We talked about why it would be good and bad. We talked about when the government has the right to limit your freedoms of smoking marijuana. W talked about if it is your choice or not if you can smoke marijuana or not.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class we watched more of the movie. The movie is too long to watch the whole thing so we skipped about 40 minutes of it. We only need to know a few pieces of information about the part that we skipped. We need to know the Spartans won the Polyponesian War. They lost it because of Pericles plan and how he was very hubris. Hubris means arrogant or full of themselves. The plague killed about 1/3 of the population of Athens. It came over from the ships that Athens was using to bring supplies to the walled Athens. Then we learned about Socrates from the video. Socrates had gathered a group of small followers. He got the people to think for themselves. He made people rethink the idea of beauty. He was pretty much the founder of philospophe. He was charged with two crimes.The first was undermining the state religion and the second was corruption of the youth. The Athenians blamed Socrates for them losing the Poloponesian war. His trail was held at the Athens market place. His jury was a handful of Athenian citizens. Socrates said The unexamined life is not worth living. The court found Socrates guilty and put him to death. There was about a thirty vote difference between finding him guilty and not guilty. He saw Athens as a lazy horse and saw himself as a fly that could get the horse to move. Socrates could have escaped prison and his death but he choose not too. He was executed by drinking  hemlock and is very painful. It causes gradual paralysis. he was very calm about his death

Monday, March 11, 2013

Got Back The Test, Greece(The Early Years)

Today in class we got back our tests on Greece( The Early Years). I got an 82 on the test. I got three questions wrong on the multiple choice part. The first multiple choice question I got wrong was number three. The question was define the term barbarian as it was originally used in the ancient world. The answer was the word came from the Greek "barbaros" which orginally meant " Non-Greek".The next question I got wrong was number 8. The question was which of the following modern- day countries would NOT be considered a member of "Western civilization". The correct answer was China. The final question on the multiple choice that I got wrong was number 11. The question was what were the major crops the Aegean people lived on? The correct answer was Grain,vines, and olives. Then I got two of the short answers wrong. The first one I got wrong was during the time period when writing fell out of use, the poet Homer is said to have told stories of the Trojan War, and of a war hero attempting to return to his home. What are the titles of these stories? The correct answer was  the Iliad  and Odyssey. The last short answer I got wrong was the word "Mediterranean" originally meant middle of the world. Then i got some points off my essay.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Movie Continued

In class on Friday we watched more of the movie.  In Athens they found a new leader named Pericles. He was the figure associated with bringing Athens to its height of democracy. He wanted Athens to be a great city that was admired. He was born into an aristocrat and wealthy family. Instead of leaving the acropolis as a ruin and memorial to those who died in the war he wanted to rebuild a huge Pythaolan. This building was the most glorious part of Athens. Inside was a 40 foot statue. The statue is lost now but some other things from the building still lasted. The building itself still stands today. Under Pericles Athens flourished. Pericles partner was Esposia. She was a prostitute but had an extraordinary mind. Pericles treated her as an equal and had her participate in talks to important people.  Twice a year Athenians would gather to watch theater and drama.  The most famous stories of the time were called tragedy. Theaters were built in every major Greek city state.In 431 BC Pericles tells Athenians his plan to go to war with Sparta. The Athenians embraced his plan Athens was discerted to a near by town and was going to use its navy to supply there food and to attack Sparta. Socrates was unbelievably ugly, walked Athens barefoot in dirty clothes, interested in only the mind, and he started a revolution on thinking. The revolution started in Babalon. Greeks took the Gods out of the heavens and replaced them with logic when they learned about astronomy. They started charting the stars and Falis wrote the early book of navigation. He was also the first person to measure the height of the pyramids in Egypt. Socrates spent  his days walking and talking with anyone and questioning the assumptions Athenians thought. when Socrates was talking Athens and Sparta fought. Sparta burned the Athenians fields and crops. One year into the war the Athenians ships brought plague into Athens which devastated the city.  It quickly spread throughout the walls and killed over 1/3 of Athens population. The plague killed Pericles in 429 BC.His successors tried to do anything to gain power. The naval leaders won a battle against Sparta and came home and were expecting  fame but were thrown in jail for not picking up men that fell overboard during battle. The war with Sparta lasted over a decade. In 416 BC a proposal to help Sicily be protected against Sparta came to Athens. In 413 a savior arrived in the city and told his barber about how his armies fight was. The Sicilian campaign did not go well because the leaders fought over stradegy and the motivation was selfish.when Athens military power was weakened  the Persians wanted to avenge the Athens. The Persians paid for the Spartans naval fleet to fight against the Athenians.  With Sparta having a naval fleet they blocked Athenian ships form getting food to Athens so the people started to starve.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Video Continued

Today in class we continued watching the video. The Athenians had to defend their state from the Persians. In 490 BC 18 years after the founding of democracy Pheidippides ran 140 miles in two days from Athens to Sparta. He was running not for glory but to ask help from Sparta for Athens. When he reached Sparta help was refused. At this time the Persians were the main empire of the world. Darius was the Persian King at the time. There were many differences between the Persians and the Greeks. The Persians emphasized obedience and the Greeks emphasized freedom. when the Persians came to conquer Athens they landed in the city state, Marathon. It was 26.2 miles form Athens. Athens didn't have a standing army so every man had to stand up and fight for Athens. Athens were outnumbered 2/1. In the war Athens slaughtered over 6,000 Persians in one day and won the war. Themistocles was an Athenian general that fought in marathon and had risen to power through democracy. He wanted to build tririem ships and a strong navy next time to be safe from the Persians, but it is expansive. In 483 BC the Athenians discovered silver in their area and he wanted to spend the money on 200 ships. The people wanted to divide it with everyone, but Themistocles convinced them that they needed the ships to defend themselves against the other city states.  In 486 BC Darius died and his son, Xerxes, took power of the Persian empire and wanted to avenge his fathers defeat.He took troops form every corner of the Persian empire. In 480 BC news reached Athens that the Persian empire was coming for Greece. The Greeks went to the oracle to see what the gods would say. The oracle is were you go if you have a question and you got an answer form the god, Apollo. when a negative message came back the people went into panic. The second time they asked the oracle said the wooden wall will save you. Themistocles thought this meant the ships so he ordered an evacuation of Athens. The woman and children went to the neighboring city state of Troy. The men went to the ships.  When the Persians  came  into Athens they burned the Acropolis and the temples.The Strait of Salamis is were the Greeks wanted to fight. The Greeks sent one of their leaders to act as a traitor an dsay go fight the Greeks now why they are week. The Persians fell for it and headed into the Strait of Salamis. In the end of the battle the Greeks won and the Persians lost 200 boats. Then Athens became a very powerful empire. They became a dominant power in the meditteranean sea. They formed a group called the  Delian States.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Video Continued

Today we continued watching the movie. The video talked about how Athens produced the best olives. The eastern Mediterranean  was the greatest market place of the ancient world. The potters in Athens had no respect and lived in the red light district. The vases that they made are now worth alot of money. In 527BC Pisistratus died and his son, Hipeas took over.At first his son ruled just like his father but then he started to rule more like a tryanny again. In 540 BC his brother was killed and he started  to act like a mean tyrant. He had many people killed. Cleisthenes tried to fight and over through Hipeas. Hipeas was captured and ostracized from Athens. Being ostracized means  to be banished from your home forever. In this time it was worse then being killed. The Olympic Games started in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. Every four years they would compete to be the best in Athletics. The competed in  running, wrestling, and chariot racing. They got no price just fame. 40,000 Greeks would gather for the Olympic games. If there was a war going on the wars would stop during the Olympics then start again after them. When Cleithenes got power he realized people were against him. Isagoris was one of the main people against him and he turned outside Athens for help from Sparta. He was going to turn athens into Sparta's control. Athens was going to loose its freedom. Sparta won Athens and Cleithenes and the aristocrats were banished from Athens.