Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Presenting Chapter 3 Powerpoints

Today in class we started going over our powerpoints. The first powerpoint was very good. I liked how they had alot of pictures and colorful backgrounds to make the presentation more interesting. In their powerpoint they talked about how the Greeks had a distinct way of life based on farming and warfare. The "Classical" Greece started around 800 B.C. The people of Greece got alot of eastern influence. The Greeks thought that the Mediterranean Sea was the middle of the world. The land mass with Sparta on it was called the Peloponnese. The Greeks had a huge sea navy. Then their powerpoint talked about LO2. In their LO2 section they talked about the Minoans and the Mycenaeans. The name Minoan came from a King named Minus. The Minoan's civilization was devoted to bullfighting. In their society when a boy became a man they had to catipulet  over a bull. The Mycenaeans protected their settlement with massive walls. The nest powerpoint also talked about the Minoans. The Minoan civilization arose on the Aegean island of Crete. It drew its wealth from surrounding seas and from trade between many lands, especially Egypt. The Minoan civilization was very wealthy becuase of trade. The second powerpoint also talked about the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages lasted from 1150 B.C to 750. The Mycenaean civilization lasted until about 1200B.C where it fell to attacks of warlike Greeks and sea people. It is also possible that Mycenaean civilization could have been corrupted by overpopulation and war. I think both of the powerpoints that presented today did a very good job.

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