Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 4

Today in class people that did not take the test on Monday took the Chapter 3 test. The rest of us were suppose to work on a worksheet online but the internet was not working at first. The rest of us started to read chapter 4 instead. Chapter 4 is called New Creations: Greek Religion,Arts, and Ideas. The rise of Greek civilization was accompanied by an outburst of artistic and intellectual creativity. Greek religion had a great deal in common with the beliefs of other polytheistic peoples and was directly influenced by the Greeks' southern and eastern neighbors  but the Greek gods and goddesses had a lifelike and human quality that helped inspire a lifelike and human art and literature. LO1 was about Greek Gods and Goddesses. The Greeks, like other polytheistic peoples, had no single set of beliefs about how the gods and goddesses were to be worshiped or about their plans for and demands on the human race. The Greeks worshiped countless deities, who they believed could wield their power for good or ill on individuals, families, and city states, so that it was vital to win their favor. Impiety was openly denying or insulting a deity. Zeus was the ruler of the sky,and he presided over a divine family. Zeus shared over lordship of the world with two of his brothers: Poseidon, ruler of the sea, and Hades, or Pluto, king of the underworld. The gods and goddesses displayed human frailties and emotions, including ambition, lust, pride, and vengefulness. Then the internet came back on so everyone could start the worksheet. We did not have alot of time so I only got done a couple of the questions.

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