Thursday, April 18, 2013

Notes on Rome Song

  • The Etruscans, Greeks, and Latins settled in Rome
    • Latins came first and they gave us the language we have now and the alphabet
  • The River Tiber flowed in the middle of the peninsula 
  • Tarquin was the last King of Rome
    • He was an old school tyrant
    • very mean and harsh
    • Romans overthrew him
    • what threw the Romans over the edge was the Tarquin had a son who raped a nice and important woman and Tarquin did nothing about it. The woman was so shamed that she committed suicide.
  • When the Romans got ride of Tarquin they got ride of a monarchy
  • Res Publica= the word republic comes from this word/ means peoples affair
  • Patricians: rich, wealthy, and are established, and connected,politically active, and landowners
  • Plebeians: could be wealthy with no connection, normal people
  • Romans government:
    • Aristocracy= formed senate, 300 men, make laws and interpret laws
    • Democracy=called the assembly/ people in the assembly are called tributes
    • The people demanded that the laws became public so they wrote the 12 tables with the laws and punishments in the forem
    • Monarchy= make decisions quick, consuls were the people in the monarchy/ there were 2 consuls/ they were choosen by the senate/ consuls could veto any laws/ consuls were only there were one year
  • The united States based their government of the Romans except united states added the judicial branch
  • Romans were around so long because they had a great army
    • there army was well trained and feared
    • there army was called the roman legion 
    • had about 5000 soldiers per legion
    • the soldiers did not get payed they joined the army becuase it was there duty 
    • modeled themselves like the Greeks
    • Romans version of the Greeks phlanx was called the century
    • Romans used javelins instead of the Greek spear
    • Roman military used cruciffiction to punish people and they were the ones who killed Jesus
  • At one point in Rome 1/3 of the population were slaves
    • If slaves were going to revolt the Romans would crucify the leaders of the revolt and put them on the side of the main rodes
  • Punic wars were fought between Rome and Carthage
    • Carthage wanted to control Sicily 
    • Rome wins the first punic wars

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