Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Notes on LO1

First Mr. Schick and his daughter did a rap song about Rome.Today in class we went over our homework that we did the other night. We had to outline LO1 for homework. Mr. Schick went over the notes he thinks is important from LO1.
  • Mediterranean= means middle of the world
  • Italy was right in the middle of the Mediterranean 
  • Rome was right on the coast in the middle of the peninsula , which means its good for trading and it was on seven hills so it could see their enemies
  • The Romans thought the gods have chosen them to be in charge because of where Rome was located
  • The Romans had the same temperature and climate as Greece
  • The Romans had more room then Greece because Greece had mountains, so the Romans had an advantage
  • The Etruscans, Latins and Greeks were the people that settled Rome
  • The Latins came first, then Etruscans, and finally the Greeks.
  • Our written language is descended from the Latins
  • The Romans improved the Greeks government and warfare
  • Government
    • The Romans started out as a monarchy
    • The Senate was a group of elders that helped the King rule
      • When the king died the senate would pick who got to pick who the next king was
    • Res publica= means the peoples buisness/ this is were the word Republic comes from
    • Patricians were the upper class citizens, founders of the country/ they had money and connections
    • Plebeians= the Roman common people including workers, small farmers,and wealthy people who were not patricians
    • The Republic is the government that the Romans used

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