Monday, April 29, 2013

Young Tiberus defeating Carthage

Today in class we watched a video on Tiberus the younger and Rome defeating Carthage. It took us awhile to get the video started becuase of technical difficulty. In the video after six days of fighting Carthage surrendered. Tiberus received the Golden crown for climbing the Carthage wall first.  After Rome defeated Carthage Rome got all of there land. This caused a problem because now Rome had to protrol over a huge amount of land. After the war Rome had alot of poor people in the streets. Tiberus felt bad for the poor people unlike  his mother, who thought they were discusting.

Friday, April 26, 2013

New Video and Test Back

Today in class we got back our tests.I received a 92 on the test. I got two questions wrong.The first one i got wrong was Rome was built on a swamp and so was this city... the correct answer was Washington D.C. The next question I got wrong was Roman aristocrats lived on these huge parcels of privatly owned land used for farming... the correct answer was latifunia.

Video Notes:

  • Roman empire extended into what is today northern Britain
  • Handrians wall was a wall that showed were the Roman empire ended in northern Britain
  • The  Roman republic lasted for 500 years
  • Tiberius hated kings
  • his son saw the eulogy when he died
  • Tiberius the younger was murdered for sticking up for his fathers ideas by the aristocrats
  • Carthage and orme had been fighting for 120 years 
  • 146 BC Carthage-Rome was preparing for its last fight against Carthage
    • during this fight whoeever scaled the wall first won a golden crown

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today in class we took our quiz/test on Rome. Then we read and took notes on LO3. We are talking about LO3 tommorow so thats why we have to read the section tonight for homework.
 Here are a few notes on LO3 Notes:

  • proletarians, Profiteers, and Slaves
    • The Punic wars and then the endless further conquests enourmsly increased the burden of military service on the roman farmer solderer
    • Some farmers remained stubbornly on their land, but most gave up, sank to the status of proletarians( property-less but voting citizens)
    • When the farmers moved to Rome there they could expect to receive free food an public entertainments at the expense of well to do citizens who thereby won prestige and power.Rome itself with its wealthy rival politicians eager to gain support of these propertyless but voting citizens , was particularly generous with " bread and circuses" and grew to become one of the Mediterraneans's great metropolis citites
    • By 150 BC slave smade up nearly one third of the population
  • Julies Caesar came from an old patrician family
    • was brutally killed by the sentate

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Test Tommorow and Rome Song

Today in class we first talked about that we will have a test tommorow on Lo1 and LO2. Then we talked more about the information in the Rome song
Rome Song information:
  • The government would give the poor Romans food and entertained them with gladiator fights
    • circus maximus was a big huge stadium that seated about 100,000 people. It was oval shaped. Chariot races went on there
  • The Gracus brothers came along and told the government that people were being treated unfairly
    • they were members of the assembly
    • they said the solution was: they rich who had so many acres of land and made alot of money should give some of there land( dont have to give all) back to the people that they bought it from
Things on Test:
  • Senate
  • Republic
  • Plebeians and patricians 
  • Democracy, Monarchy, aristocracy 
  • democracy was represented by the assembly/ people in assembly were called tribunes
  • Aristocracy was represented by the senate
  • The monarchy was represented by two leaders in charge
    • only in charge for one yer
  • If there was a crisis there was one dictator in charge for six months
  • Punic Wars
  • tarquins son raped a woman who was a matron named laquicha 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Shared Rome Song Extra Credit

Today in class we shared our extra credit Rome projects. The first one that went was very good. It had pictures that acuratly matched the song. Then three more projects went and they were all good. They all showed that the people put in effort to make them.
  • In the second Punic War Carthage attacks Rome by the back of Rome where Rome did not expect it 
    • Carthage almost beat Rome with this plan but Rome still was able to defend themselves
  • In the third Punic War Rome decided Carthage needed to be destroyed so they did
  • Rome won all three of the Punic Wars
  • When the farmer men were away at war the rich men would buy the farms from the woman
    • this was very sneaky
    • When the men returned some of them had no land

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Notes on Rome Song

  • The Etruscans, Greeks, and Latins settled in Rome
    • Latins came first and they gave us the language we have now and the alphabet
  • The River Tiber flowed in the middle of the peninsula 
  • Tarquin was the last King of Rome
    • He was an old school tyrant
    • very mean and harsh
    • Romans overthrew him
    • what threw the Romans over the edge was the Tarquin had a son who raped a nice and important woman and Tarquin did nothing about it. The woman was so shamed that she committed suicide.
  • When the Romans got ride of Tarquin they got ride of a monarchy
  • Res Publica= the word republic comes from this word/ means peoples affair
  • Patricians: rich, wealthy, and are established, and connected,politically active, and landowners
  • Plebeians: could be wealthy with no connection, normal people
  • Romans government:
    • Aristocracy= formed senate, 300 men, make laws and interpret laws
    • Democracy=called the assembly/ people in the assembly are called tributes
    • The people demanded that the laws became public so they wrote the 12 tables with the laws and punishments in the forem
    • Monarchy= make decisions quick, consuls were the people in the monarchy/ there were 2 consuls/ they were choosen by the senate/ consuls could veto any laws/ consuls were only there were one year
  • The united States based their government of the Romans except united states added the judicial branch
  • Romans were around so long because they had a great army
    • there army was well trained and feared
    • there army was called the roman legion 
    • had about 5000 soldiers per legion
    • the soldiers did not get payed they joined the army becuase it was there duty 
    • modeled themselves like the Greeks
    • Romans version of the Greeks phlanx was called the century
    • Romans used javelins instead of the Greek spear
    • Roman military used cruciffiction to punish people and they were the ones who killed Jesus
  • At one point in Rome 1/3 of the population were slaves
    • If slaves were going to revolt the Romans would crucify the leaders of the revolt and put them on the side of the main rodes
  • Punic wars were fought between Rome and Carthage
    • Carthage wanted to control Sicily 
    • Rome wins the first punic wars

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rome Song for extra credit

Today in class Mr.Schick told us that the song project is not going to be graded. Too many people are having problems working the program. If we want we can finish the problem for extra credit. Eleanor, Mackenzie, and I decided  to do it for extra credit. We divided up the work by each of us finding pictures for two paragraphs then Mackenzie is putting them in the program. I did the first paragraph and the fourth paragraph. We did not finish today but we might soon. I think the song is a good idea because  I am starting to remeber some of the facts. The people who did not do the song could choose to do a powerpoint or not do anything at else.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Rome Song and Movie

Today in class Mr.Scick was back.We started a new project today. Our project is to make a movie form the song about Rome Mr.Schick  sand to us. In my group is Eleanor, Mackenzie, Alex, and I. Eleanor is the one that is is putting all the pictures on the movie maker. Mackenzie, Alex, and I are the ones finding the pictures for the project. Today in class we got done most of the first paragraph of the song.I think this is a good way to help us rember the song because it is already kinda stuck in my head.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chapter 6 LO2

Today in class we had a sub, so we individually outlined LO2 in our textbook. LO2 was about the roman empire expanding and fighting with Carthage for control of Sicily and ultimalty control of the Mediterrean. The Romans won and gained control of almost the whole Mediterranean. These are the notes I took today in class.

Roman Expansion
  • The Romans were above all a military people- patriotic farmer- soldiers
  • Their first wars were against the neighboring Etruscans, competing Italian tribes,and barbarian invaders
  • Allies and Colonies
    • The Romans were shrewdly generous in their treatment of defeated enemies
    • The Romans also tightened their control over the Italian peninsula by creating a network of colonies of settlers from Rome, generally discharged citizen-soldiers and their families
    • Roman forces increased in strength and striking power in step with their conquests
    • The Roman colonist enjoyed rights of citizenship that were almost equal to those of citizens who lived in Rome
    • In time allies began to demand full integration with Rome, and in the first century B.C some of them took up arms when the demand was denied
    • After these wars most non- Romans in Italy gained Roman citizenship, and the status of ally disappeared
  • Punic Wars
    • By 250 B.C all of Italy south of the River Po was in Roman hands
    • This success brought Rome into collision with a rival city state beyond the sea: Carthage, on the north coast of Africa
    • Carthage was founded about 700 B.C by Phoenician colonists
      • It became an oligarchic and empire building republic similar to Rome and had spread its influence across North Africa, southern Spain, Sardinia, Corsica, and Sicily
    • Carthaginians interest in Sicily, between Africa and Italy, is what brought them into conflict with the Romans
    • The Punic wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C
      • In the first phase of struggle after many years of exhausting warfare, ROme was able to force Carthage out of Sicily, but the North African city kept the rest of its empire
      • In the second phase the Carthage general Hannibal invaded Italy, defeated several Roman armies and brought Rome to the brink of defeat but the loyalty of the Romans' allies, the perseverance of their own forces, and there greater man power enabled them to at the end of the second Punic war in 202 BC defeat Carthage
      • Fearing a Carthaginian revival Rome provoked a thrid war and in 146 BC Carthage was captured after bitter fighting
        • The senate ordered  the city to be leveled, its people sold into slavery, and even the ground on which it stood to be cursed
  • Conquering an Empire
    • The former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman providences
      • The paid tribute to the Roman state, contributed " auxiliary" units of cavalry and light infantry to Roman forces, and provided opportunities for influential Roman citizens to build up private fortunes
      • It was not until the time of Augustus, after 27 B.C that the Providences began to share in the benifts of Roman order.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Romulus and Remus Comic

Today in class Mr.Schick was not here, so we had a sub. Today in class we worked on our pixton comic. I am working with Eleanor. We finished ours in school. For awhile Pixton was not letting us saves ours, so we had to wait for it to load for awhile. We did ours on the story from the first link you gave us. The story was about Romulus and Remus. They were born and there parents aboned them, so when they got older they killed their parents and started their own village.  When they were building the village they built a wall. Romulus built the wall, but Remus made fun of it saying it was too small. Then Romulus killed Remus out of anger.

Kristen and Eleanor's Comic:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Notes on LO1

First Mr. Schick and his daughter did a rap song about Rome.Today in class we went over our homework that we did the other night. We had to outline LO1 for homework. Mr. Schick went over the notes he thinks is important from LO1.
  • Mediterranean= means middle of the world
  • Italy was right in the middle of the Mediterranean 
  • Rome was right on the coast in the middle of the peninsula , which means its good for trading and it was on seven hills so it could see their enemies
  • The Romans thought the gods have chosen them to be in charge because of where Rome was located
  • The Romans had the same temperature and climate as Greece
  • The Romans had more room then Greece because Greece had mountains, so the Romans had an advantage
  • The Etruscans, Latins and Greeks were the people that settled Rome
  • The Latins came first, then Etruscans, and finally the Greeks.
  • Our written language is descended from the Latins
  • The Romans improved the Greeks government and warfare
  • Government
    • The Romans started out as a monarchy
    • The Senate was a group of elders that helped the King rule
      • When the king died the senate would pick who got to pick who the next king was
    • Res publica= means the peoples buisness/ this is were the word Republic comes from
    • Patricians were the upper class citizens, founders of the country/ they had money and connections
    • Plebeians= the Roman common people including workers, small farmers,and wealthy people who were not patricians
    • The Republic is the government that the Romans used

Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapter 6 LO1

Notes on LO1:

  • Roman values= they like to take the Greeks way of life but improve them
  • The rise of Rome began as a continuation of Greece's early westward expansion through the Mediterranean Sea, which brought the Greek model of civilization to the people of Italy during the eight century.
  • About 500 B.C Rome became a Greek style city state that was not longer ruled by kings but the Roman government system, The Republic, was for several centuries more stable and more effective than any in Greece.
  • The roman armies were more consistently successful than those of the Greeks
  • In five centuries Rome became the center of an empire that stretched from the borders of Mesopotamia to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • City- State and Empire: The Roman Republic
    •  Tribes arrived in a Mediterranean land with farming resources that were basically similar to those of Greece or Palestine, but able to support a larger population and in time larger armies.
    • Italy was situated astride the Mediterranean  commanding every direction; southward and eastward to the territories of Greek, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian civilization, northward and westward to the lands of barbarian Europe.
    • The Indo- European settlers formed various tribal groups, among them the Latin people of central Italy.
      • Some settled near the mouth of the Tiber River
      • they built a cluster of dwellings on low lying hills along the river called the " Seven Hill
  • Around 750 B.C these settlements joined to form a single city state called Rome
  • The Estruscans and the Greeks lived in Italy and had an influence on the growth of the Roman civilization
  • From the Etruscans the Romans adopted such features as a gridiron street plan for cities,gladiatorial combats, and the masonry arch.
  • The Romans learned the alphabet and knowledge of Greek city states from the Greek colonies in southern Italy.
  • The Roman Republic: The Senate and the People
    • At first, their city state was ruled on the Etruscan model by powerful Kings, including actual Etruscan conquers.
      • The King was advised by a council of elders called the Senate, whose members he appointed.
      • Usually he chose from among the patricians or " men with fathers"
      • Patricians= upper- class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
    • Around 500 B.C Rome overthrew its Etruscan rulers and established a monarchy
    • The government of the Roman city- state became officially the " people's business"
    • The Roman Republic underwent a long turbulent development but the result was a system of government that was neither a Greek style democracy nor an oligarchy but a mixture of both.
    • Republic= In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision making power was shared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizen
  • Patricians and Plebeians:
    • There were two sides in the conflicts of the Republic: The patricians and plebeians
    • Plebeians= the roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians  
    • In the earliest times of the Republic, the "peoples business" was in practice run by the Senate.
      • Senate=In ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the king, and under the Republic by the consuls; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well.
    •  Two among the senators functioned as consuls.
      • Consuls= In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one year terms and appointed their own successors.
    • The Romans were eager to avoid monarchy that for every public office position they appointed two or more men
      • This slowed down government decisions and actions, but in time of emergency the consults, on the advice of the Senate, could appoint a dictator, with full power to give orders and make laws for a maximum period of six months.
    • The plebeians at first deferred to patrician rule, but as Rome grew and the plebeians became more numerous and often wealthier  they began to resent being treated as second class citizens.
    • Among the chief complaints of the plebeians was that they lacked legal protection.
      • Before the fifth century B.C there had been no written code of law
      • Instead, the sacred tradition laws were passed down orally and interpreted by judges, who were, of course patricians.
    • About 450 B.C in response to the plebeians demand, the laws of Rome were set down in writing. The new code was said to have been engraved on twelve slabs if wood or bronze and mounted in the chief public square.
    •  Not long afterward, new plebeian assemblies came into being alongside the existing one that soon gained far greater power.
      • tribunes= Magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws
    • The pateicians gave way to the plebeians until by 250B.C the distinction between the two groups no longer mattered in politics and government.
  • "Mixed Government"
    • The Republic still rested in the hands of the Senate, and though plebeians could now join the Senate, only the wealthy could afford to do so
    • Senators and would be senators had to follow a complex career path from lower ranking magistracies to higher ones, in which leapfrogging ranks was frowned upon or was actually illegal.
    • Many of these magistracies were elective and to get votes a canadite had to spend large sums for displays and popular entertainments
      • They also supported clients, which is a person who provides personal services in return for money and protection form a patron
      • Patron= A wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
  • Republican Values: The City and the Gods
    • One common belief was the community's survival and prosperity depended on a god or goddess who was thought to take a particular interest in its destiny
    • By the time of the Republic Rome had a special relationship with three deities.
      • These deities were the sky god Jupiter, whom the Romans believed was the same as the Zeus whom nearby Greek city states worshiped; his consort, the fertility goddess Juno( the same as Hera); and Minerva( Athena) , goddess of skill and wisdom.
    • Responsibility  for maintaining the  'peace of the gods" belonged to the pontiffs
      • Pontiff= In ancient Rome, one of the Republics leading priests
  • Citizens and the Community
    •  The belief that it was right and the duty of the men of the community to fight in wars, and hence also share in its government; and the community solidarity that came from the fact that high-born as well as low born citizens bore the burden of war
    • The woman of Rome had no right or duty to share in politics and government, and the women needed guardians for all legal transactions
    • The qualities that the Romans most admired in the leaders of their city state
  • The Community and Family
    • Instead of devoting his life directly to the city state as in Sparta, a Roman man belonged first of all to a family and a clan( a group of families descended from a real or mythical forefather)
    • Clans and families were held together by fathers, paticully by men who had the status paterfamilias
      • Paterfamilias= the " family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household
    • One of the Republics most important deities, besides those worhsipped on the Capital, was Vesta, the goddess of hearth and home
    • A married woman bore the title of matron which in latin means matrona or " lady mother.