Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Prehistoric Times: Paleolithic Age, Neolithic Age, and Agricultural Revolution

Today in class we started off by talking a little bit about our essays on Jared Diamond's theory. Then we talked about the PowerPoint that Mr. Schick had. The PowerPoint was on the  the section of our book LO1. This section talks about the Prehistoric Era. About 200,000 years ago a human species emerged in southwestern Africa. Then around 14,000 years ago a worldwide human race existed. The earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic age, also known as the Old Stone Age. Then came the Neolithic Age, which was also called the New Stone Age. This was marked by advanced tool making and the beginnings of agriculture. In the Prehistoric times humans were parts of migratory groups, which hunted, fished, and gathered plants for food. Then we talked about the Agricultural Revolution, also know as the Neolithic Revolution. This was a shift from living as hunters and gathers to living in more permanent settlements centered on agriculture. This revolution begone southwestern Asia. During this revolution the populations rose because the woman could care for their young children. Hierarchies appeared in village life, and the status of woman was lowered as woman were confined more to domestic duties. The inventions of some tools, such as the wheel and plow, made it possible to produce enough food for storage. The villagers also were polytheists, which means they worshiped multiple gods. They worshiped nature, human, and animal gods.

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